Dad’s Beetle 1303 coming home

Ryan bought this ’73 SuperBeetle some years ago at a GoodGuys show in Pleasanton, Amador Valley, California, for 3.500 US-dollars. VWs run in his family and he loves them dearly. „You can be into super cars, muscle cars or race cars but nothing beats the experience of driving a Beetle 55 miles an hour with the windows down“, Ryan says…

A note from Santa?

The daughter of the original owner of this car (picture) drove over to Ryan’s house on Christmas to write him a note: she told Ryan that this very car had been in her family over 45 years and that she had been searching for it for over three years and would love to buy it back. The SuperBeetle reminded her of her father who had passed away from cancer not too long ago. The strong connection to „dads‘ car“ brought her and nearly Ryan himselft to tears.

Memories are forever

His grandfather drove a ’72 Beetle and that was the reason he had bought this, for the memories as well. „I know that I would do anything to have a little piece of my grandfather back“, Ryan thought. So he agreed to sell the original owner’s daughter this car back for what he had in it (purchasing price plus repairs).

The second picture is one of her father, the original owner, who passed away. These are the stories that make classic cars more than just cars, they’re memories, obsession, and love. This is why Ryan choose classics as his passion. source: Ryan Fry

Topical page: continental cars

German Text: Süßsaure Geschichte eines 73er Käfers

Dieser Mann hat unglaublich viel Herz! Ryan Fry kaufte den orangefarbenen VW Käfer (73er) vor drei Jahren von einem Eventveranstalter in Kalifornien. Ein ähnliches Modell fuhr sein verstorbener Großvater und er wollte sich damit ein Stück Erinnerung im Alltag bewahren. „Nichts ist schöner, als mit dem Käfer bei offenen Seitenfenstern mit 55 mph zu cruisen“, so Ryan.

Eines Tages fand er einen Zettel an der Windschutzscheibe. Die Tochter des Erstbesitzers hatte dem Wagen nachgespürt. Ihr Angebot: Den Käfer „unter allen Umständen“ zurückzukaufen. Ihr Vater war gerade an Krebs verstorben und es ging ihr wohl wie Ryan – um die lebendige Erinnerung an einen lieben, verstorbenen Menschen. Ryan war so gerührt, dass er der Frau den SuperBeetle zum gleichen Preis den er bezahlt hatte, zurückgab.
Seinen Instagram-Post dazu schließt er mit den Worten: Oldtimer sind mehr als Autos, es sind Erinnerungen, Obsessionen und Liebe! Jawollja, da stimmt voll und ganz zu. Mehr Insta-pics dieses blogs:

This is the first owner of the ’73 Super Beetle who looked carefully after his car.
This ist the letter Ryan received from the original owner’s daughter


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